Considering the variety of activity at the BDC, we at Signify Digital decided to talk to some of the residents, and find out what they really think. This week's interview is with Kate Vandenburg, a familiar face around the BDC...

It’s well known that the Business Design Centre, in Islington (fondly referred to by residents as the BDC) is a hub of activity. Regularly bustling with different events and exhibitions, ranging from Sustainability Live London, to the ever popular Caffe Culture Show.
Considering the variety of activity at the BDC, we at Signify Digital decided to talk to some of the residents, and find out what they really think. This week’s interview is with Kate Vandenburg, a familiar face around the BDC.
First in a series of three interviews is Kate Vandenburg, Marketing and Communications Director at the Business Design Centre. She’ll be celebrating 15 years at the BDC this autumn!

I: Hi Kate. You’ve been here for 15 years now, and you might have a unique perspective on the BDC, as you’ve worked in both the events and marketing teams.
I: Have you got a favourite event, or exhibition, and how much do you get to look around them while they’re on?
K: Yeah, it’s good being part of the marketing team because we get to go out there, and look for content for our social channels, but I previously worked in the events team as well. I used to really enjoy the tech shows, especially the tech ones that return year on year like Devoxx and Droidcon, because you start to feel like you’ve become part of their community, and you see some familiar faces, which is always nice.
I: If you could design an event that you’d really like to look round, what would that look like?
K: Oh interesting, I think, some of the business events are really cool. I love going to the Festival of Marketing, which is always really interesting. The festivalisation of business events has been happening for a while, because why shouldn’t business events be fun too?
K: The Podcast Event was also really interesting.
I: That’s a popular one!
K: Anything which includes the local community, anything which is a bit more holistic in its approach to night and day as well as the area, is always something that I really enjoy.
I: Do you have a favourite memory with the BDC?
K: Back in 2014 we did a bike ride from the Angel of the North to Angel Islington, which was really fun. I organised it with some colleagues. It was a really great way to spend a week with fourteen of the team and I just really enjoyed the fact that we were doing something amazing all whilst raising money for Islington Giving.
I: Bonus question – which resident do you think has the best office?
K: Ah well, actually you guys have a really nice one, and TAG is lovely, and you’re right next door to each other! I’m really spoilt for choice, because of course all the design studios and design businesses have great offices, I sometimes walk past thinking of my dream house. The colourful taps in 1810 and the Zendher radiators in particular!
I: Oh I love those taps! Along the top corridor?
K: Yes! It’s so much fun to walk around and imagine what you’d decorate your house with. It’s just a great building to work in.
I: How would you feel if the BDC went back to its roots and hosted a cattle show?
K: Well, I’m from Yorkshire, so I’m used to the countryside, and to nature, but I mean, I think they would definitely ruin the carpet. It’s definitely fulfilling its unique purpose nowadays, although if I had a time machine, I would love to go back in time and see the venue as it was as the Royal Agricultural Hall.
Stay tuned for the next instalment of our interview series, where we’ll be speaking to one of the chefs at Jacks, the BDC cafe.
Or, if you’re looking for your next event space, or you’re searching for a characterful new office for your company, we have plenty of space for you. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here.