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14 May, 2024 -

Did you know that heating and powering London's offices and commercial buildings makes up a whopping 36% of the capital's carbon emissions? Surprising, right? So while we should all be doing our part at home to look after the planet, taking steps to create a more sustainable office space is a powerful way to make a real difference in our environmental impact.

A group of office workers sat at their desk at their sustainable office work space.

But what exactly do we mean by a sustainable office space? These days, the term “sustainability” gets thrown around a lot, particularly when it comes to businesses. But it is much more than just a trendy buzzword or an empty marketing ploy used for “greenwashing”. 

True sustainability is about making a conscious effort to be a responsible business – one that has a positive impact on both the environment and its employees.

At the BDC, we’re committed to sustainability. As a certified B-Corp ourselves, we understand the importance of businesses to make a positive impact both for people and the planet. We’ve worked incredibly hard to meet the high environmental and social standards set by the initiative and have been accredited with the certification since Summer 2023. 

So for those looking to take better care of the environment here are our top tips for a more sustainable office space:

  1. Appoint a green team 

Start by rallying up some eco-warriors in your office—those who are most passionate about making a positive impact. This ‘green team’ can be your go-to for putting your sustainability ideas into action and keeping everyone on track. 

  1. Encourage green activities 

Organise fun volunteer days for your team to help out with local environmental projects. It’s an excuse for some team bonding and helps in giving back to the community. This could include activities like taking part in local tree planting initiatives or setting up a community garden. 

  1. Recycle, recycle, recycle 

This is of course an obvious one but recycling isn’t just about tossing stuff in the right bin—it’s about making it a part of your everyday office culture. Make recycling easy by having clear bins for different things like paper, plastic, and food scraps and consider creating a compost bin if your building allows.

Also, you can send items that have an onward life to A Good Thing, as we do here at the BDC. This ensures that our waste does not end up in landfill and helps the local community in the process. 

  1. Switch to LED lighting

The type of lights you choose in your office can have a significant impact on the amount of energy you use and therefore your carbon footprint. In fact LEDS bulbs use more than 75% less energy than traditional halogen bulbs. So replace your old bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs instead. Not only do they use way less energy but they also last a lot longer so it’s a win win. 

  1. Turn everything off 

It’s probably happened more than once with the last person in the office forgetting to switch everything off. So it makes good practice to encourage everyone to switch off lights, computers and electronics when not in use. As you would be surprised how much this adds up. This includes air conditioning and heating which can easily be forgotten after a busy day. 

  1. Use reusable utensils 

Out with the old, in with the reusable. Swap out those single-use items for reusable alternatives and watch the waste pile shrink. Invest in reusable plates, mugs, and utensils for the office kitchen or canteen so there is no more throwing away cutlery on a daily basis. 

At the BDC we’re on a mission to remove single-use items and encourage our tenants to make use of the plates and cutlery from our very own Jack’s cafe when on their lunch break (so long as they bring them back of course.) 

  1. Invest in reused office furniture 

Skip the fancy new furniture and look for recycled or reused pieces that are built to last. Not only will this save you some money but it gives you the chance to find some one-of-a-kind pieces to give your office a bit more style. So next time your office is in need of a little refresh, remember to look for items that are either made from recycled materials or are second hand. 


Two colleagues arriving at their sustainable office space

  1. Take part in a cycle-to-work scheme 

Encourage your team to cycle to work by offering a cycle-to-work scheme. It helps cut down on emissions plus it gives you a bit of exercise. Angel and wider London is full of bike paths and what better way to start your day than on a cycle through the city?  

  1. Get feedback from your staff 

Get feedback from your team about how you can become more sustainable. This is the best way to review your progress and discover areas of improvement and ideas you may not have even thought of yet. Engaging staff in feedback sessions will help ensure that your sustainable office practices are really working and ensure that staff are motivated to keep their efforts. 

So there are some of our tips to help you on your way to being a bit more sustainable while at work. But creating a sustainable office space doesn’t have to happen overnight. Start small, build your way up and remember that it’s always an ongoing journey. So set achievable goals, and continually strive for improvement.  

Here at the BDC we place sustainability at the heart of what we do, are proud to be a conscious event space and home to a vast array of sustainable businesses, too. 

We offer a wide selection of beautifully designed showrooms and offices for those looking to join our thriving business community. So if you are looking for an office space to rent in Islington or would like to hire out our renowned venue for your next event then get in touch

Or if you would like to browse our list of leading events and exhibitions that we host throughout the year then visit our What’s On page.

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